"Out beyond ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing, there is a Field. I'll meet you there."

vineri, 21 ianuarie 2011

The black cat is doing some black magic tonight

Step 1. Stare at a candle flame until you get hypnotised

Step 2. With very precise and quick movements, stoke the fire with your paw until you see the smoke rising from your precious fur

Step 3. Get confused and smell that weird smoke. You need a quick bath...ok

Step 4. Try the same trick over and over again until you begin to see double, very blurry, in black and white and in slow motion. It is very neccesary to get confused again...

Step 5. You realise that all this black-magic is exhausting and you go to sleep.

2 comentarii:

Celestine Mihaela spunea...

Multumesc ca m-ai descoperit ca sa te descopar.
e fenomenal de rezonant cu mine ce-am gasit aici.
Te voi adauga listei mele de bloguri car emi-au topit sufletul.

iti multumesc

Anca spunea...

Multumesc si eu... inteleg limbajul lumii tale, se pare ca avem bucati de suflet in comun